Having read my mum’s autopsy at aged 18 I can honestly say it changed my perspective not only on my mum’s murder but on how I see people,
How someone could be so cold to inflict such injuries and still live with themselves after all this time. It set a fire inside of me that roars to get justice for mum, The pain, The fear, The cruelty, The heartache my mum must have felt at the hands of this/these people.
From my mum’s autopsy report it is clear she was also subjected to being beaten with bruising to her face and body.
For what amount of time my mum suffered during the week she was missing we don’t know and could more than likely have involved more than one person.

Those responsible for killing my mum had full intention to commit this sickening act of violence to my mum and to attempt multiple times to end her life which from the autopsy report I can confirm my mum took her last breath on the brook as water from the stream was found in her stomach meaning she had to swallow the water for this to be possible.
The worst bit is not knowing if they tried to drowned her or if they just didn’t realise after everything they did to my mum that she was still holding on for life, but unfortunately she still slipped away because of her other injuries.
I hope to god that as bad as it sounds she was either unconscious or had passed away before anything else happened to her, she must have been so frightened and upset, it makes me angry to know the pain she suffered.

✔Please keep sharing my post. Someone did this.. let them see it! Over and Over.
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